McKenzie Media logo Media Consultants

creating simple cost-effective production solutions

using the best of today's technology
About Us
McKenzie Media is run by Ken McKenzie and Diane McKenzie. We've been in business since 1969, although back in those days of relatively primitive technology, we traded under the name Multicord. That was a contraction of multitrack recording, describing our main business at the time - sound recording studios and audio production.

Over the years, we expanded into video production, TV and radio commercials, web design and management, still photography, graphics, scripts and copywriting, marketing advice, IT consultancy and training, PR, publicity and media management.
Our clients range from small family businesses to large international corporations.

We like to think we've stayed in business for so long by offering a top quality service at a reasonable price. We're not the cheapest, but we're certainly not the most expensive.

However, we've now reached the stage when it's time to wind down and call it a day. So a big thank you to all clients great and small who've kept us in business for over 50 years.

You can still contact us by phone, email or snail mail.
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McKenzie Media, 14 Lea Rigg, West Rainton, Durham DH4 6SR, UK    
Within easy reach of Newcastle, Gateshead, Team Valley and Sunderland